Sometimes the increased revenue from a single CRO win can pay for an entire year’s retainer. We’d like to highlight three recent wins that we helped our clients achieve in different ways. Perhaps you can find some wins for your brand among these ideas.
After highlighting the wins, we’ll float back down to earth by outlining how CRO is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme. Spoiler: while it’s entirely possible for any ecommerce brand to see results like this, it usually occurs after months of research and testing.
Win #1 - A simple but game-changing test
For one of our long-time clients, we tested collapsing the description tab by default on the product page (with the ability for the shopper to open/close it). This increased conversion rate for product page visitors by nearly 25%, equating to an incremental $67,000 in monthly revenue.
The thought was that collapsing the description tab by default would make it easier for users to quickly scroll through page content. This change was especially impactful on smaller screens, as mobile PDP conversion grew by over 33% on average.
This brand will continue to benefit from that 25% uplift every month, which adds up to over $800,000 per year. That’s $800k that the brand wouldn’t have had without doing this testing work.
In recent months, this particular brand has also seen conversion lifts of 13% and 9% through other tests.
Wins such as these have paid for the client’s monthly retainer investment hundreds of times over.
Win #2 - The job is never done
This next win comes from another brand we’ve been working with for years. It’s important to note that this particular brand already had a very strong PDP conversion rate, around a 13% baseline conversion for PDP visitors. But in the rapidly evolving world of ecommerce, we know there’s always opportunity for improvement.
We tested a new product form design, introducing a modernized image gallery and information layout.
Some of these changes included:
- Swapping product description accordions for horizontal tabs, giving shoppers more information without needing to scroll.
- Clearer shipping details near the ATC button to reduce cart abandonment.
- Reducing whitespace and improving readability, allowing shoppers to quickly scan key information above the fold.
Adding an FAQ tab to help shoppers make a decision without leaving the PDP.
The result? A 5% conversion rate increase, equating to monthly incremental revenue of over $20,000.
The lesson here is that CRO can work for anybody, even those who already have a successful track record.
Win #3 - It’s not always about conversion rate
Although CRO stands for conversion rate optimization, that isn’t the only metric we optimize for our clients. Our team also develops strategies to improve average order value (AOV) and lifetime value (LTV). There’s massive potential in focusing on these areas.
Have you ever seen a “free shipping” meter when shopping online and been tempted to add an extra pair of socks to your cart to achieve that threshold? This strategy works for some ecommerce stores, and for some, it doesn’t. We wanted to see what impact (if any) it had on AOV for one of our clients, a pet brand.
We A/B tested adding a free shipping meter to the cart over 1,000 transactions, providing a significant and insightful sample size. While it didn’t impact conversion either way, the version showing the shipping meter had a $10 higher AOV, resulting in +17% higher revenue per visitor. With so many visitors spending more, this brand now enjoys +$41,000 in incremental revenue per month.
Consistency is key
It’s important to note that these results are only achieved through consistency. We vigorously test and re-test different strategies month after month, but not every month is a huge win.
We consistently collaborate with our clients to achieve incremental gains throughout the year. One month could see a 5% increase, while the next month could see a 3% decrease with a given test. This persistence and consistency allows us to understand what works and what doesn’t and find the winners.
No silver bullets
Every brand is different; what works for one client may not work for another. We put a lot of time and effort into optimizations for each unique store that we service. Not every ecommerce merchant can expect to implement the same recommendations and get the same results (although it’s worth testing!).
If you’d like to get data-informed recommendations for your store, click here to learn more about our CRO audits.