How to use Shopify's Launchpad & Scripts to sell in a flash this holiday season

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With the holidays and Black Friday quickly approaching, it’s easy to get lost in the heaps of tasks ahead (*insert panic mode here!).

Thankfully, merchants using Shopify Plus have some unique tools at their disposal to fully maximize their efforts during this hectic season.

Shopify’s Scripts Editor app lets you get creative with your discount offers and engage customers to convert. While the Launchpad app means you no longer need to stay up until midnight to hit publish on a sale.

The real value here comes in combining these two powerful apps, especially during the holidays. Using Launchpad in conjunction with Scripts can really get you ahead of the game. You can prepare pricing models ahead of time, and then watch it roll out seamlessly when the time comes around (giving you some much-needed zzz’s during the holidays!).

So how do Launchpad and Scripts work together?

Well, Scripts allows you to create different pricing models (think BOGO’s, free gift with a purchase), while Launchpad offers a suite of automation capabilities to schedule events (Note: an event consists of one or more actions: publishing product(s), applying discounts to particular products or collections, publishing an unpublished theme or enabling a script).

So you can create an unpublished theme that promotes your sale, and schedule it to be live for any amount of time you like! Which means you can get creative with your campaigns and build multiple flash sales at the ease of your fingertips.

Flash themes for flash sales

So for example, you could create a campaign when Monday offers a buy one, get one free (BOGO) promotion, Tuesday offers a free gift, while Wednesday has a double up offer etc... you get the idea.

Since Launchpad can schedule an event to publish an unpublished theme, you can create multiple themes that contain content (e.g. home page banner) to support each day of your holiday promotion (“12 Days of Christmas,” anyone?). Then, you can enable a script that applies that offer (like a BOGO) at checkout.

So your theme (and script!) will be live for one-day only.

By using these two apps, you can seamlessly automate your campaign, without staying up until midnight to hit publish every day.

The best part of all of this? You can create your scripts and themes now and schedule them to roll out anytime - freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business during the craziest time of the year.

Now, let's take a look at a few popular scripts you can fully leverage just in time for the holiday season. 

Buy one, get one free (BOGO’s)

As one of the more popular scripts we’ve come across with merchants, you’ve got a couple of options for “buy one, get one free” discounts. First, you can offer a “buy one, get one free” promotion on a specified item.

Or, you can encourage customers to purchase additional items by offering a “buy one, get one 50% off” promotion.

Free gift card with item purchase

You can offer a gift card (any amount you like) when an item is purchased within your store. When the customer selects an item and applies the discount code to the checkout, the gift card will appear.

You can be picky here and choose to offer the gift card with a specific purchase. Just be careful with this one though: customers may try to trick you and remove the promo item from the cart at checkout, still hoping to receive the gift. So the script has to be setup to detect this behaviour.

Double up your order (with minimum amount purchased)

Double up your customer’s order, as long as a minimum amount is purchased. For example, you could set that number at $50, and the moment a customer exceeds that amount in the checkout (and a discount code is applied), their order will be doubled.